Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Happy Birthday Christianna!

Dear friends,
Tuesday, November 12th is a very surreal day for our family.  This year Christianna would have blown out 11 candles on her cake.  Her brother Joshua will blow out two candles on the same day but without hearing her big sister's voice along with his brother and sisters and parents' voices singing "Happy Birthday".  

We remember the beauty, the joy, the delight of each moment with her here on this earth.  Of her sliding down the hill on a makeshift sled, (once breaking her arm!), of her reading and playing with her brothers and sisters, of her pronouncing her love in bold ways for her Savior and for her family.  

This morning we each shared some memories we give thanks for with Christianna:
Acacia: "How she would invent stuff and we would play together with just ordinary items."  
Katriya: "I like playing games with her and her hugs and kisses."
Isaiah: "How she gave me the last kiss and playing cops and robbers with her."
Shamirah: "I liked when she played with me on the trampoline and let me go on her high bunk bed."
Daddy: " I liked when she called me 'Big Daddy' and whispered "love you" after tuck in
Mommy: "I liked when she would lean her head against my shoulder when I was reading to her."
While we have good reason to be overwhelmed with grief, the truth is that the Lord has been faithful to us as we continue to walk through this long and very dark valley.  We are confident of this, He who began this work in us will be faithful to complete it.  We want her birthday to be a day to thank the Lord for the beautiful memories of her life and the promise that when we see her again it will be at the most amazing party in all eternity, the Wedding Feast of the Lamb!
It is only in Christ that we can have a beautiful collision of soul wrenching sorrow and promising joy filled hope.
One day our faith will be sight and on that day the rider of the white horse will put everything right. 
Broken and Blessed,
Rob for the ZamFam

Celebrating with our family today....

Acacia and Christianna

Mommy and Christianna

Christianna and Oma

Opa and Christianna

Christianna (far left) and Uncle Carl

Christianna and Great Grandma

Opa and fishing girls

Shamirah and Christianna

Daddy and Christianna


Acacia and Christianna

Aunt Rebecca and Christianna

Great Grandpa and Grandma 

Mommy and Christianna

Acacia and Christianna

Christianna and Joshua

Christianna and Terra

Shamirah and Christianna

Christianna and Katriya

Christianna and Isaiah

Grammy and Christianna and Acacia

Auntie Gretchen and Mutali and Christianna

Great Grandma's tea party

Tulip time with Grammy and Bumpa